UFO Over the Nellis Test Range - Area S-30

This UFO was caught on film by range cameras at the SECRET Nellis Test Range in Southern Nevada in 1994 and was subsequently smuggled out by base employees and presented to the FOX TV show Sightings. The pictures are captures made directly from the show.

At times the UFO appears to be 4 globes tied together; at other times it appears to be a fuzzy gasy cloud. It definitely appears to be intelligently controlled. Is it a T OP-SECRET military project or something else? Regardless it is very interesting and might explain some of the recent UFO sightings.

There is now have evidence that these unknowns over S-30 might be very similar to the UFOs that have been seen over Mexico City the last few years. . .

More information as it comes in. I've managed to get a copy of about 8 seconds of the Sightings sequence, in MOV and AVI formats. If anyone has more parts, please email me .

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